What We Do

We provide the following services to help you maximize your business potential


Premier Strategy Consulting always has our clients’ best interest in mind when designing products and services to meet your needs. The experienced team delivers AI Strategy, AI Modeling and AI Automation & Maintenance to help you transform your business.

AI Strategy ↓

We will carefully assess your business to develop a value-driven AI strategy with a clearly-defined pathway to bring significant incremental lift to your business faster. Our competitive advantage is to deliver short-term and long-term value to help you quickly realize return on your data investments.

AI Modeling ↓

Our philosophy for model development is to break down large problem statements in smaller chunks based on business intuition. Then we will develop business relevant models for you in a timespan of weeks, rather than months, to start generating values.

AI Automation ↓

We are not your typical “come-and-go” consultants. In addition to delivering presentations, extensive documentation and model codes, we also provide AI automation and maintenance to support you along the way.


AI Strategy

In the era of “Data Revolution”, every company wants to build competitive advantages using their data. However, many companies are stuck with a strategy which is not generating ROI (return on investment) fast enough. Data scientists are working on problem statements which take them years to develop a reasonably accurate model but only find the project is shelved right after.

We believe in a wholesome assessment of business first to develop a value driven AI strategy with a progression of problem statements to be solved. AI strategy developed by us has the advantage of delivering short and long term value to the company resulting in quick return on investment. This quick ROI mindset has the added benefit of confidence that AI can work for your company resulting in more confident investment.

Within a few weeks of engagement, you will get a data driven AI strategy with decomposed 12-week projects that are feasible and deployable. This strategy is built by having detailed discussions with your business stakeholders and identifying highest leverage areas, and it will be uniquely tailored for your business.

  • Short term and long term AI strategy 

  • Quarterly project decomposition 

  • Project ROI quantification and prioritization 

  • Project size and resource estimation


AI Modeling

The current industry standard when it comes to AI is that only 10% of developed AI models are deployed. Our team has a 90%+ success rate in developing AI models which have been deployed and generated value for the companies.

Our philosophy for model development is to break down large problem statements in smaller chunks based on business intuition and start developing business relevant models in a timespan of weeks rather than months to start generating value and hence ROI for the company.

Our model development methodology constitutes frequent meetings with the business to incorporate business acumen/expertise into the model so as to deliver a product which will have high confidence of the stakeholders and will remain relevant for the company for several years.

Our model delivery philosophy is to not deliver a “black box” model. By utilizing in-house developed tools, we develop models with the capability of “business explanations” which further the confidence of stakeholders.

  • Descriptive Analytics 

  • Visualizations & Dashboarding (Tableau, Power BI, DOMO, Quicksight, Looker, Spotfire, R Shiny, etc.) 

  • Experiment Design (power analysis, etc.) 

  • Statistical modeling (generalized linear mixed model, etc.) 

  • Predictive modeling (traditional ML, NLP, deep learning, LLM, etc.) 

  • Generative AI (ChatGPT, etc.)

  • Optimization modeling (constrained programming, mixed integer linear programming, scheduling, etc.) 

  • Statistical Measurement (difference in difference approach, test/control significant test, etc.) 

  • Simulation study


AI Automation & Maintenance

With the constantly evolving businesses, it is natural that each AI model has its life cycle and requires maintenance to ensure high performance. This will require an in-house data science team which could become expensive depending on the needs of the business.

In addition to delivering presentations, extensive documentation and model codes, we also provide a service to automate and maintain any AI model or solution we’ve developed for you.

A centralized modeling dashboard will be delivered to monitor model running status and performance with both technical and customized business metrics. Models will be updated through maintenance or another AI Modeling engagement if required.

  • MLOps 

  • End to end model automation (batch & real time) 

  • End to end dashboard automation (batch & real time) 

  • Model maintenance and monitoring


Experience examples in different industries

Our methodology works across different industries!     



  • Patient related modeling

  • Hospitalization prediction

  • Adherence prediction 

  • Fraud claim prediction

  • Imaging modeling

  • Operation automation

  • Program measurement



  • Trait discovery/testing

  • Genomic selection

  • Imaging modeling

  • Yield prediction

  • Operation optimization

  • Precision management

  • Product Prescription



  • Portfolio optimization

  • Fraud prediction 

  • Credit delinquency prediction

  • Fixed income prediction 

  • Stock prediction 

  • Crypto prediction



  • Sales forecasting 

  • Digital marketing 

  • Personalized marketing

  • Assortment optimization 

  • Supply chain optimization

  • Pricing optimization

  • E-commerce


Reach out to us to see how we can help